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The revolutionary Radisson didn’t just happen by. A long process of development, experience, and good engineering produced a craft truly ‘Born of Canadian Waters’. Since it’s humble beginnings in a small Northern Ontario garage, the Radisson Canoe has grown to become a Canadian icon. Radisson Canoes are constructed of a single sheet of 5052 marine grade aluminum which will not become brittle, delaminate, peel, waterlog, check, rot, shrink or swell. It assures a uniform thickness throughout the hull and has a high strength-to-weight ratio. This material makes our canoes among the lightest on the market. The canoes are easy to carry, handle better on car tops, towing, launching and recovery. Every Radisson canoe is built to exacting specifications and workmanship. Built to last decades, the Radisson Canoe will really become one of your best pals when you take to the water no matter what you use it for.
Radisson Canoes & Accessories

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